Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 11 training and notes.

What a week! I can't believe it's been 11 weeks so far. I'm getting very tired of treadmill training, but it's still a necessity in the Tahoe Basin. It snowed a few times last week, once again covering the world in white. Plus, there's a front that's moved in from the North, so the temperatures have plummeted from the wonderful 60-degree weather we'd been having.

Some of my most difficult runs came this week. Not because they were necessarily any harder than workouts I'd done before, but because of this frustration about having to stay inside. I know I just have to work through it-- fair weather is coming. But this feeling tells me that one of the major reasons I enjoy distance running is because I love the outdoors. Before this training cycle (when I could run outside in Reno when I lived there in past seasons), I never realized how much I enjoy fresh air and the freedom of unfettered movement.

But I know each step I take-- even those on the treadmill-- will make the miles I'll do in summer easier and safer. And so, keep running, I say to myself, keep running.

Monday, 3/1: 8 miles total. Tempo effort: 4 miles @ 6:47 with two minute jog and then 2 miles @ 6;41 followed by cool down. The gym was SO hot this morning. The gym owner yelled at me for making the treadmill "too hot."

Tuesday, 3/2: 19 miles in the AM; 1 mile in the PM. Long run outside, in Reno. 7:55 overall pace. I felt good, but I've never experienced such variable conditions during a single run. I began, feeling warm, then I encountered cold rain about 6 miles into the run and hail at mile 8. Then, rain again at mile 12 and warmth at mile 17. When we came back to TC, I did a mile warm up on the treadmill and then stretched and did a few weights and core exercises.

Wednesday, 3/3: 8 miles on the treadmill in TC. Mostly 8' x mile pace. This felt extremely difficult; or rather, like I was constantly fighting fatigue and my legs were made of hard cement. No pain, though I'd hoped to do a double today. I don't, however, think that would be a good idea.

Thursday, 3/4: 10 miles in the AM on the treadmill in TC. I felt mostly good-- though I had a few stomach issues at first. Afterward, core exercises and then weights in the PM.

Friday, 3/5: 6 miles in the AM on the treadmill in TC. Extreme stomach issues. Grrr.....

Saturday, 3/6: 13 miles total, run outside in Reno. Hill workout: 12 x 20", 1 x 60" and then 3 x 35" on the flats. 4:07 was the max pace for these efforts. It was odd-- I felt like my body was stronger than my mind was ready for.

Sunday, 3/7: 8.14 miles run outside in Reno after riding Christine's quarter horse, "Cash." 7:29 pace. What a beautiful day!

Weekly total: 73.14 miles

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